openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: SMS API description: | The API provides the customer with the ability to send SMS to the recepient address(es). Customer can use this API to send SMS in following scenarios: 1. Application server needs to send text message to a recepient number which is being used on a mobile phone device. There are 3 different categories of text SMS i.e. Service, Promotion & Transaction. 2. Application server needs to send binary message to a recepient number which is being used on (IoT) device. Pre-requisite for using this API is that SMS Sender application / enterprise (or customer) needs to onboard themselves with the access provider before using this API. This API has single operation to send SMS. In order to the receive delivery receipt, separate API to be subscribed by the API consumer for receiving the delivery receipt in a standardized callback API. # Authorization and authentication CAMARA guidelines defines a set of authorization flows which can grant API clients access to the API functionality, as outlined in the document []( Which specific authorization flows are to be used will be determined during onboarding process, happening between the API Client and the Telco Operator exposing the API, taking into account the declared purpose for accessing the API, while also being subject to the prevailing legal framework dictated by local legislation. It is important to remark that in cases where personal user data is processed by the API, and users can exercise their rights through mechanisms such as opt-in and/or opt-out, the use of 3-legged access tokens becomes mandatory. This measure ensures that the API remains in strict compliance with user privacy preferences and regulatory obligations, upholding the principles of transparency and user-centric data control. version: 0.1.0 termsOfService: contact: name: API Support url: email: license: name: Apache 2.0 url: externalDocs: description: Product documentation at Camara url: servers: - url: '{apiRoot}/{basePath}' variables: apiRoot: default: description: API root basePath: default: sms/v0 description: Base path for the Short Message Service security: - Oauth: [] tags: - name: Short Message Service description: API operation to send SMS paths: /short-message: post: tags: - Send SMS summary: Send SMS description: | The customer application server makes a request to the SMS API to send SMS message to the destination address. operationId: send-sms parameters: - in: header name: transactionId description: transactionId required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: applicationCode description: applicationCode required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: applicationUserName description: applicationUserName required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: username description: username required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: password description: password required: true schema: type: string requestBody: description: | Submit a request for sending SMS to the destination address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MessageRequest' example: to: ["+972568560055","+972568560713"] from: '+919876543210' category: PROMOTION message: TEST MESSAGE senderName: XYZ clientCorrelator: XXXXX receiptRequest: notifyURL: ABCD callbackData: REQUEST123 required: true responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic200' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic400' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic401' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic403' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic404' '500': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic500' '503': $ref: '#/components/responses/Generic503' components: securitySchemes: Oauth: type: oauth2 description: oauth2 security schema flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: "" scopes: send sms: Permission to send SMS schemas: MessageRequest: type: object required: - to - from - message - receiptRequest properties: to: type: array description: "The recipients MSISDN" items: type: string from: type: string description: "The senders MSISDN" category: type: string enum: ["PROMOTION","SERVICE","TRANSACTION"] message: type: string description: "SMS message" clientCorrelator: type: string description: "clientCorrelator" senderName: type: string description: "senderName" receiptRequest: $ref: "#/components/schemas/receiptRequest" description: The value of the ReceiptRequest MessageResponse: type: object required: - msgId - timestamp properties: msgId: type: string description: "The SMS messages sent to the recipients are identified by smsnumber are identified." Infolist: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Infolist" description: The value of the Infolist to: type: array description: "The recipients MSISDN" items: type: string from: type: string description: "The senders MSISDN" receiptRequest: $ref: "#/components/schemas/receiptRequest" description: The value of the ReceiptRequest message: type: string description: "SMS message" clientCorrelator: type: string description: "clientCorrelator" senderName: type: string description: "senderName" ErrorInfo: type: object required: - status - code - detail properties: status: type: integer description: HTTP response status code code: type: string description: Code given to this error detail: type: string description: Detailed error description Any: {} Characteristic: type: object description: Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. required: - name - value properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the characteristic name: type: string description: Name of the characteristic valueType: type: string description: Data type of the value of the characteristic value: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Any" description: The value of the characteristic Infolist: type: object description: Info properties: resourceURL: type: string description: resourceURL Info: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Info' description: deliveryInfo Info: type: object description: Infor properties: address: type: string description: address deliveryStatus: type: string description: deliveryStatus sequenceNumber: type: string description: sequenceNumber smppErrorCode : type: string description: smppErrorCode receiptRequest: type: object description: ReceiptRequest properties: notifyURL: type: string description: notifyURL callbackData: type: string description: callbackData responses: Generic200: description: OK headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MessageResponse' example: msgId: 56647d96-b3e6-48d2-b93f-ab0d56bdd965 to: ["+9725685xxxx","+97256856xxxx"] from: '+91987654xxxx' category: PROMOTION message: TEST MESSAGE senderName: XYZ clientCorrelator: XXXXX receiptRequest: [ "notifyURL: ABCD", "callbackData: REQUEST123" ] Infolist: resourceURL: http://XXXXXXX Info: [ "address: tel:XXXXXX", "deliveryStatus: DeliveredToNetwork", "sequenceNumber: xxxxxxxx", "smppErrorCode: xxxxxxxx" ] Generic400: description: Problem with the client request headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo' example: status: 400 code: INVALID_ARGUMENT detail: Client specified an invalid argument, request body or query param Generic401: description: Authentication problem with the client request headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo' example: status: 401 code: UNAUTHENTICATED detail: Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, or expired credentials Generic403: description: Client does not have sufficient permission headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo' examples: PermissionDenied: value: status: 403 code: PERMISSION_DENIED detail: Client does not have sufficient permissions to perform this action InvalidTokenContext: value: status: 403 code: INVALID_TOKEN_CONTEXT detail: Phone number cannot be deducted from access token context Generic404: description: Resource Not Found headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo' example: status: 404 code: NOT_FOUND detail: A specified resource is not found Generic500: description: Server error headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo' example: status: 500 code: INTERNAL detail: Server error Generic503: description: Service unavailable. Typically the server is down. headers: x-correlator: description: Correlation id for the different services schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo' example: status: 503 code: UNAVAILABLE detail: Service unavailable